Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Living with 5 or 6 women does have its disadvantages. In fact, I think it only has disadvantages. One girl admitted today to having Seasonal Affect Disorder. Which is fine and dandy for the rest of us except that she called a ROOMATES' meeting to tell us all. There are so many feelings floating around you could swat them with a fly swatter. She wants to conduct a bitch session, now, once a week. In other words, she wants to meet once weekly to bitch about the living situation. She's also a girly lesbian what dresses like a bike dyke and despises guy folk. Needless to say, she's troubled with herself and her identity and feels it necessary to impose her degree of lost and confused on us all. But of course, the girls are all more than willing to jump on board and I'm corralled into our weekly cry and moan meetings. Not that I didn't suggest we do this thing monthly instead; just, our lost child needs all eyes on her once a week instead of once every full moon.

In other news, I'm really digging this Hawaiian pidgin. It's akin to Canadian, really. Today I sat in a medical office and listened to a guy throw "ehs" around like it was the Vancouver Winter Olympics (which just ended gloriously for the Maple Leaves up north). My favorite thing about Hawaii, however, is Bangkok Chef! Their yellow chicken curry is to die for with potatoes and white meat chicken and ginger and STICKY RICE! Best part? It's only $6.5o. I'd do it everyday if I could (which I can't, it's in Chinatown, far far away from my home in Makakilo by island standards).

As nice as all THAT is, I'm still looking forward to my next 3 visits to beautiful Canada (to visit my gal pal on the way back to New York, to grab my car in Montreal, and gal palling it again whilst attending Rifflandia 3 in September). I feel good. Good.

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