Monday, May 4, 2009

Joie de Vivre

The Canadian Centre for Architecture (Centre Canadien d'Architecture) had a massive fete! They opened at 11am Samedi and closed at 7am Dimanche. Yeah, I took part. Yeah, I made a huge piece in the build your own museum workplace. I called it La File and had anyone who took part, and who wanted to, sign it. It was a hit. So naturally I became an instant ladies magnet.

I've also discovered that if the Francophones (women) see that an Anglo (me) is trying to learn French, they like him. So I've got a strategy. And a couple friends. And a beer-a-day in the park habit. And pictures. They'll be on MySpace soon. And a link will exist to the right... eventually.

The picture is from my walk home. At 5:30 am on Sundays, the Metro opens. Which means that after I got breakfast and wanted to retreat to my humble abode, I needed to walk. So I hiked it. I had to cross this canal (La Chine Canal, I believe) at maybe 5am. I saw it and I immediately felt like I live here. Fuck, it's going to be hard to have to leave.

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