Creek somewhere in Ulster County, New York
Here in New York City, the mercury nearly breached the 60 mark. Exciting weather. It being March and all, and with the Daylight Savings thing in full swing, good times are on the horizon. Remember snow, there shouldn't be anymore of it to follow for the season. Soon, I'll be on the blacktop wearing out basketball sneakers by the pair.
Today I'm feeling:
It's been a long time since feeling half decent. How are you feeling? Tell me about it!
Hi Sean!!, i'm nervous for you on your first day of teaching...yikes!, but I know you'll be fine. I love you and i'm in love with you. You're dreamy. Goodnight Shnookums
Hi Professor Sean, in my attempts to post a comment today I saw that someone beat me to the punch. From the looks of it, it seems that you have recaptured the love of your wife/girlfriend again. Now you must tell me how you did it, for I want to soon be in a similar place...
Sorry too, that doesn't seem to be the case from my prospective. Thanks for calling me Professor, but that isn't the case either. Anyways, what I've been doing is waiting for her. Sometimes she surprises me and texts or calls, and other times I just wait and see...
I can't tell you how to do this. There's no one way to "capture" someone's affection. I just don't know.
Thanks again for your words of wisdom. I guess the answer is clear, but it is hard for me to accept it. I will try the sensible approach and let it go and if it comes back then I know it was meant to be. It really helps to discuss it too. I am feeling much better about the situation. Still when I think about it, it gets me down, but I guess I am understanding that it will be a slow healing process. Good luck with your situation tho, hope it goes well...
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