Okay, it's clear I'll never catch up. Nor will I live a very productive and happy life. But I must say that I do absolutely LOVE the vast majority of my coworkers, and I hate myself for it. Ms. Davis has invited me out to drink and fraternize with the colleagues on a couple of occasions and I have not once regretted it. I'm sorry I've been neglecting my readers, but I'm working full time for the first time in my entire life and I absolutely am crazy about the folks I work with. All except for one lousy manager. And even another manager has asked me to overlook the one lousy manager (who, by the way, actually interviewed me). This is the same job I interviewed for and cursed during the interview. This is the same job I sat through and got a text message in. It's fucking amazing. A guy asked me the other day if I actually got paid to work there. I just finished my second week of full time employment, in my life, plus I'm maintaining a rapport with the Koreans I tutor, and I feel totally in place.
And then there's Ms. Davis, who I'm not related to because she's apparently Lithuanian. She invited me the first time, when we became the 2's booze crew... and was the only skirt the second time we went debauching and was totally chill with it. What girl would be down for the cause like that without any wet blanket tendencies? Not a dame exists... except Ms. blue-haired Davis. Of course half the entourage is homosexual... but meh!
Today I'm feeling:
An intense crush on a girl named "Peggy."
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