And those aren't cherry blossoms
Because they aren't. But they were awesome when I saw them in early April. I had to get off the train and get on the ground and snap some photos. It was probably the contrast because nothing else was starting to blossom at the time. It was a good time too. Things were going well. I had a job. I was waking up early and getting to my job early. I was meeting co workers and Koreans. I was drinking exotic "earthy" organic coffees. I was listening to various genres of music.
And now I sit at home. No job. Though I'm delighted to not have to go to work. And though I'm not an artist, I've decided to say I am and use it as a euphemism meaning "I'm unemployed." So, for now at least, "artist" = unemployed. And if you were to ever ask me what type of art it is that I do, I very simply, though coyly, retort "Oh, it's just too difficult to describe, you'll never get it," and swiftly make for the exit. What a contrast!
It's all about contrasts. And simple pleasures.
I'm building a nice cache of what it's all about here.
Today I'm feeling:
If I were to buy you the equivalent of a drink at this Internet lounge we find ourselves, what drink would that be?
And by the way, those really aren't cherry blossoms, and I'm really not a photographer. But they could be cherry blossoms?
You should listen to 12 moments in the life of an artist by David Sedaris.
Is that a song? Interesting, I'll check it out Amy, thanks!!
Hey Amy, I listened to it and it wasn't all that humorous. What did crack me up, was his 6 to 8 Black Men routine.
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