Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Dae han min gook!

Inside the Solomon R.

Guess who's tutoring a new Korean today? I guess I'm not only big in Japan, I must be big in the big rabbit too.

Good feelings! Physically, I played three basketball games since Thursday and a year ago I would have been too sore right about now. Today I could play another three back to back to back. It feels good to be in decent shape.

Bad feelings! Emotionally, something's missing.

Yet another striking contrast.

And what's going on in Northern Ireland? Is that peace? I've known, for some time now, that the Irish were world class bomb makers. Will they now be freelance bomb makers or will they just give the trade up? Peace is such a distraction!

Simple pleasure of the day: home ground Caffé Verona decaf coffee, brewed in my french press. Delicious.

Today I'm feeling:

like I could go for some acupuncture

And today, I can't put my finger on it, but there's something about today.

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