It's Natalie!!! I hope she doesn't mind.
Yes, I'm going to vote for him. Even if I have to write him in. I don't agree with everything Ron Paul is for (most notably his pro life stance and his border security issues) but he's certainly the most competent in most regards of American life. I'm no republican either, but a good leader is a good leader and the fact of the matter is that I'm no democrat either.
No plans in life. I'm such a loser. Here's my new take on things. I'm just going to continue to meet people and be wide eyed. Hopefully, I'll learn, see, observe, be inspired, or absorb an idea, occupation, profession or career of some sort whereby I can subsist. It's a Spartan task, I know, but there's got to be something out there I can effectively do... outside of blogging (though I'm sure I'm no Rembrandt at this either).
Today I'm feeling:
positively subordinate
Go figure.
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